Irrigation, an age-old practice that dates back to the Near East around the 6th millennium B.C., has long been essential for improving crop yields.

However, it comes at a cost—up to 50% of the water used in irrigation is wasted. In ancient times, this wasn’t a major concern, as water was abundant.

Today, though, the growing demand for water has made this practice unsustainable. Sustainable water management has become increasingly critical. The World Bank highlights that over 70% of global freshwater is used for agriculture. As the global population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, agricultural production will need to rise by 50%, and water withdrawals will need to increase by 15%.

Enabling Sustainable Farming Irrigation with Nano-bubble Technology

In agriculture, one of the key advantages of nano-bubbles is their ability to lower the surface tension of water. High surface tension means that water molecules form strong bonds on the surface, making it difficult for water to soils and plants. This is particularly problematic with soils that have high clay, sand, or salt content, or compacted soils, all of which hinder water flow.

Water with high surface tension tends to pool on the soil surface instead of infiltrating it, resulting in insufficient water reaching the plants and excessive water loss through evaporation or runoff. Nano-bubbles reduce the surface tension and contact angle of water, allowing it to soils more effectively.

High Surface Tension – Common Irrigation Water

1. Reduces water into the soil surface

2. Leads to pooling and increased water loss through runoff or evaporation

3. Impedes water infiltration to the root zone

Low Surface Tension – Achievable with Nano-bubble Technology

1. Enables water to soil surfaces by reducing the contact angle.

2. Minimizes water loss through runoff or evaporation.

3. Enhances infiltration into the soil and root zone, where it is most needed.

4. Helps farmers use water more efficiently and effectively for crop irrigation.

Improving Infiltration with Nano-bubble Technology

Nanobubble technology addresses this issue by increasing soil wettability. Due to their neutral buoyancy, nanobubbles move randomly and continuously through the water and irrigation system via Brownian motion. These tiny bubbles remain suspended for months before eventually collapsing.

When they burst, they break the surface tension of the water, allowing it to infiltrate the soil more efficiently than water with high surface tension. This significantly improves water movement through the soil, as demonstrated in a case study at Maricopa Orchards in California.

Enhancing Soil Structure with Nano-bubbles

Nano-bubble technology also improves soil structure by encouraging soil flocculation—the process where clay particles aggregate into larger clumps. This helps reduce soil compaction and improves water infiltration and nutrient mobility. At the Kapicua Research Center in Chile, blueberry growers observed a 20% reduction in soil compaction when using nano-bubble-enriched irrigation water.

Nano-bubbles Improve Soil Health

Nano-bubbles also have a beneficial impact on soil health by improving soil structure and reducing compaction, allowing for better water movement and nutrient availability. This process is known as soil flocculation, which enhances the soil’s ability to support healthy plant growth.

Improving Irrigation Water Quality

In addition to improving soil structure, nano-bubble technology boosts the quality of irrigation water by supersaturating it with dissolved oxygen (DO). Super-oxygenated water enhances the metabolic rates of root cells, enabling plants to absorb water and nutrients more effectively.

This leads to better root and plant development. The increased oxygen levels not only promote the growth of beneficial microbes but also inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens in the root zone.

Reducing Disease Pressure with Nano-bubbles

Nano-bubble technology also helps reduce the presence of pathogens in irrigation water. The hard surface of nano-bubbles scrubs away biofilm—a resilient coating found on surfaces in frequent contact with water—which harbors various microorganisms, including plant root pathogens like Pythium, Phytophthora, and Fusarium.

By creating an oxygen-rich environment, nano-bubbles encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria, which helps suppress anaerobic bacteria that cause diseases. This technology reduces the need for chemical pesticides, providing a chemical-free method of controlling pathogens.

A Sustainable Future with Nano-bubbles

Nano-bubble technology plays a crucial role in sustainable agriculture by helping growers use water more efficiently and manage disease without relying on chemicals. As global food demand increases, innovative technologies like nano-bubbles will be essential to ensure that we can feed the growing population while conserving vital resources like water.